Dropbox integration setup
QuickFile can now connect to your Dropbox account to import receipts and other business-related documents, quickly and easily. When you link QuickFile to your Dropbox account, we create a new dedicated folder.
Dropbox/Apps/Quick File Receipts/…

When you copy in any scanned receipts or documentation, they will be automatically imported into the QuickFile Receipt Hub. From the Receipt Hub you can visualise the document, link it to an existing purchase record, create a new purchase record, or move it to the Document Manager.
Note: QuickFile will only have access to this folder and will not be able to view or modify any other files in your Dropbox account.
Linking QuickFile to your Dropbox account is very simple. All you need to do is head over to your Account Settings area and under ‘3rd Party Integration’, select the ‘Dropbox integration’ option.

Here you click on “Setup Dropbox Integration” button and you will be redirected to Dropbox:

And you need to log in and authorise (Allow) QuickFile to access your Dropbox account:

Your integration is now completed.

One of the benefits of linking into Dropbox is the ability to import pictures directly from your phone. With iPhone and Android devices you can snap pictures and import them straight into your Dropbox account and then into your QuickFile Receipt Hub. Perfect for capturing receipts on the go! Dropbox even has a built-in tool to help you perfect your capture.
QuickFile will automatically import the following file types from your Dropbox account. Any other file types will be ignored.
- PDF documents
- Images (png, gif, jpg, tif)
- Word documents (including RTF)
- Excel spreadsheets (including CSV)
- Notepad documents
- HTML documents
You’re not limited to uploading just receipts, you can import any business documents you like, including letters, banks statements, HMRC correspondence, contracts etc. When you preview these documents in the Receipt Hub you can move them to other folders of your choosing.
Yes you can. All you need to do is create a sub-folder for each Dropbox account you want to manage. The folder name must correspond to the respective QuickFile account number. For example:
Apps/Quick File Receipts/[Quick File Account Number]/…
When you copy files into the folder, they will route directly to that account. You will also need to authenticate your Dropbox account in each QuickFile account from the account settings area.
For more information read our Community Forum post titled: Dropbox Custom Folder Suffixes.
Any files you copy into your Dropbox folder (Apps/Quick File Receipts) will be automatically uploaded to the QuickFile Receipt Hub, once uploaded we will move the file to a special 'Imported' folder so that you will always have a local backup of all your files imported into QuickFile.
Each QuickFile account has a **262 MB** daily transfer limit. If you have more than 262 MB of data in your Dropbox folder the remaining portion will be disregarded until the following day when the data limit has been reset.
Whenever you place a file in the designated upload folder in Dropbox, QuickFile will receive a notification from Dropbox and initiate an upload request. The time taken to move the files will depend on the size and the speed of your local internet connection but will typically take no longer than five minutes.
If some files are not getting transferred, it may be because they are not of an appropriate file type (see above paragraph “What types of files…”) or you have reached your daily transfer limit. We’ve included a more exhaustive list of reasons here for you to review.