SumUp Payment Option and Data Feed

SumUp offers a comprehensive and user-friendly card payment solution tailored for businesses of various sizes. At its core, SumUp provides a compact and portable card reader that enables businesses to accept debit and credit card payments from their customers. This device connects wirelessly to smartphones or tablets, allowing transactions to be processed seamlessly through the SumUp mobile app. This convenience is particularly beneficial for small businesses, individual entrepreneurs, and mobile vendors who may not have access to traditional point-of-sale systems.

Click here to visit the SumUp website

Linking SumUp to QuickFile

Linking your SumUp account to QuickFile is easy. From your dashboard select “Account Settings ” followed by “Manage Payment Options ”. Here you will see a list of payment service providers that you can connect with.

Please note: The SumUp integration requires a Power User Subscription. You can find more information on this here.

Just click the “Setup Integration ” button and you’ll see a form where you can enter your API key. You can retrieve your API key by logging into your SumUp dashboard and in the top right menu select the option “For Developers”.

You may need to log into the developer portal, which is found in the main menu in the top right corner:

you should then be able to click on the “Account” menu and select “API Keys”.


You can now generate a key specifically for QuickFile access:

Make sure to copy down the key and paste this into the QuickFile payment setup area. That’s it, QuickFile will now be able to generate new payment requests and access your SumUp data feed.

Creating a dedicated holding account in QuickFile

When your invoices are paid via SumUp you don’t want the payments going straight into your main bank account. Instead we recommend to set up a dedicated merchant type account called “SumUp” in the banking section. In the payment configuration area you can then nominate this account as the one where you’ll receive your individual SumUp payments.

When SumUp pays you the net funds (less their processing fee) you treat this as a transfer from the holding account to your current account. We provide more detailed steps on using holding accounts for payment processors here.

The SumUp payment option on your invoices

As soon as you link your SumUp account to QuickFile the SumUp payment option will appear on all your sales invoices, available for customers to use.

You can disable payment providers such as SumUp for specific invoices or clients if you wish. To disable at the invoice level just go to the invoice preview, select “Pay Online ”, then toggle off the payment option. To disable at the client level, you can switch off specific payment providers in the relevant client settings area.

The SumUp data feed

In the payment provider setup area, you will see further up an option to “Enable automated feed”. If you check this box we’ll connect to SumUp every night and pull in all your SumUp transactions for the previous day. This means you can get full oversight on all your SumUp activity from within QuickFile. You can then use standard bank tagging and automated rules to get everything reconciled.